Sunday, 10 April 2011

P90x Day 24: Kenpo X

So I'm just finished Kenpo X, and Im am sweating like crazy!

I forget just how much you sweat while doing this workout, I probably sound like a parrot just repeating this over and over again.I always forget going into this one just how intense it is.

As some of you may have realized that I seem to have missed out a day, jumping from 22 to 24, well when I got in last night for a very long shift I only had time to post a quick message to my blog. i then had to go straight to bed and get up early for work again today. Since I'm off tomorrow is the only reason Ive stayed up and completed kenpo. I really don't want to get into the rhythm of missing days. So tomorrow I plan to do Core Synergistics along with stretch X.


  1. I'm definitely thinking of buying the P90x system. It looks like I could really get into shape, even with the little time I do have!

  2. funny I should run into this blog, probably 3 or 4 of my friends have gotten into this program in the passing weeks.

  3. Can we still get some pictures?

  4. i should test this system, it seems to be great

  5. Great post! I hope you keep up this excellent blogging! :)

  6. less time blogging, more time working.

  7. Great blog and post, keep it up! Follow

  8. Just pretend that you never missed a day; like you never broke the rhythm... I find that helps me keep from missing more days

  9. Anything that keeps you motivated is a good thing. Keep at it!

  10. Don't worry, all you gotta do is keep at it. The end result is gonna be worth it!

  11. Theres a couple of my relatives doing this, they've started week 1. I think i need to try it, i'm a whale.

  12. Few missed days would make me lazy so it's good to try to avoid them.

  13. Keep up the good work. I'm a man and I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with this program!
    good job

  14. Keep workin
    Your guna love the way you look
    I guarantee it..

  15. Take it easy take yor time and do it properly

  16. maybe i should try this sometime

  17. I might have to try this stuff sometime. It seems its working for you at least
